1. Apologies for absence.

Mike Atherton, Donald Grassie.

2. Register of interests – check & update.

Register passed round, updated and signed by all present.

3. Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting of Directors on 9th December 2008.

Minutes were approved.

4. Matters arising from the minutes of 9th December 2008


5. Scoring System (MP & MS)

Both MP and MS had circulated documents in advance of the meeting. MP ran through his statistical findings, notably the possibility of using the Log Normal distribution to provide a more statistically robust system than the current system. He outlined areas for further research including that of using an adapted version of the current system with a fixed variation around the mean rather than the current one which depends on the standard deviation.

MS went on to comment on his proposals for a position system and commented on David Rosen’s criticisms of it (David formulated the present system). MS explained that he did not disagree with David’s principles but interpreted a good run in terms of position rather than time. He added that there were no significant differences in the data from 1999-2005 which he had analysed after submitting his proposals.

The board accepted MS’s proposals and will seek to get feedback from competitors during and after the event as to their success.

MS will formally write up the proposals and a piece for the website and programme. He will also determine criteria for badge standards and circulate these to the rest of the board.
AD will liaise with the SportIdent/results team about implementing the new system.
GBJ will inform Dave Coustick and Dave Nicol of the change.

6. 2009 Event Update (GBG)

GBJ reported on the main points arising from the most central organisation meeting:
• Dalruzion – planners not happy with map and quality of area after extensive thinning operations. SF thinks it will be OK, a group are to visit the area shortly in order to evaluate it.
• Barry Buddon is now progressing well after slow progress in getting land use agreed.  One of the conditions of use is the carrying out of an environmental impact survey, likely to cost £1-2k.
• Commentary – Per Forsberg has been booked and will be supported by Mark Nixon and Ed Nicholas. That’s for sure!
• Entries after the first closing date are around 10% down on 2007.  Targeted emails are being prepared using the 2007 entry database and a promotional stand is being taken to the JK.
• A wide range of indoor accommodation has been found, including the jockey’s hostel, a marquee at the Race Course and local Scout Huts.
• The committee are struggling to find any cash sponsorship – always hard and being made harder by the economic environment. AH suggested looking for sponsorship in kind.
• Economic Impact survey – Event Scotland are funding an economic impact survey and GBJ has received three tenders for this contract. He recommended Ekos based on their price and research method. It should be possible for us to seek feedback from competitors as part of this e.g. on the new scoring system. GBJ to find deadline for questions and circulate.
• GPS tracking. SF has tested the proposed system and found it to be unsuitable for our purposes, but is going to test it further. GBJ is going to liaise with Event Scotland to try and transfer the funding for this project to the commentary costs, citing it as a similar event enhancement.
• Video of the event. GBJ would like to produce some videos of the event, perhaps for putting on the website. RL supported this suggestion with a view to using them to explain the event to people in the Oban area.

Issues needing resolved:

• Dalruzion – thinning operations. Planning is on hold until forest thinning is finished. Contingency plans are in place, Sherrifmuir and Dumyat is likely to be fallback area if required.
• Barry Buddon, slow progress in getting land use agreed.
• Racecourse (event centre) – talking about using marquee space/scout huts etc for more people to be accommodated.
• LW asked GBJ to thank the committee for their hard work and positive input to the event.
• Entries are looking positive and the ‘first’ entry auction is in place and ends shortly. Board suggested this should go to charity and Gareth to progress this.

7. 2011 Oban Event (RL)

Ross reported on the progress made on the 2011 event
• Provisional areas: Creag Mhic N & S, Dunstaffnage, Torinturk, Ardchattan + 1 other, potentially Fersit. SF is also looking at a potential new area at Furnace, south of Inveraray on 25th February.
• Transport issues for Creag Mhic S & Torinturk – very narrow road for access.
• Concerns over a lack of variety in the terrain.
• Event centre in Benderloch village, north of Connell Bridge.
• Name for event to be decided by COT, choosing between ‘Oban’ and ‘Lorn’
• Central organising team – JE to find technical coordinator.

8. Finance Report

RO presented a brief update on the company finances. He confirmed that there is presently £65k in the bank, and that the first payment for 09 entries had been received from Fabian4.  He also pointed out that due to interest rate cuts we are not receiving much, if any, interest on our cash balances, historically a reasonable source of income.

9. Agreement between SOA and Six Day Event

AH queried the perceived vagueness on the Six Day side of the agreement versus the specificity in the SOA side. RO responded that this was no different to the current system. He emphasized the major benefit which is to smooth the cash flows between the Six Day company and SOA.

10. 2013 Event

Eddie Harwood of MOR has expressed concern about the prospect of the Six Day returning to the Moray coast meaning all their best areas being embargoed for 2 years. LW is to discuss this issue with BO at a forthcoming meeting.  There is a need to announce the 2013 venue at the SOA AGM in May.

11. Any other business

It was discussed whether an internet forum would help the company directors to discuss issues between meetings in a more structured way than by email. MS suggested utilising a private forum on NopeSport.com. MS to investigate this, and AD to investigate setting up a private forum on the Six Day website.

12. Next meeting: date / location / minutes

Tuesday 19th May, likely Dewars Centre.  SF on minutes, RO to book.