1. Welcome & apologies for absence.

Dave Kershaw welcomed those attending.

Apologies – Jon Musgrave (JM), Kenny Milton (KM), David Sloan (DS)

2. Register of interests – check & update.

Checked and completed by those present.

3. Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting of Directors on 14 February 2016


4. Matters arising from the minutes of 14 February (not covered in the agenda below)

AP1 (KM) – An agreement is still required with Paul Frost. No further action has taken place.

Action KM: Follow-up with Ross McLennan.

5. Finance report

KM had sent out the financial statement which was briefly reviewed in his absence from the meeting. Note KM will be stepping down at the AGM and the 6 day company needs to identify a suitable replacement.

Action DK: Identify replacement Finance Director

6. Highland 2015

A discussion took place on the utilisation of surplus from Highland 2015.

Regional Development Officers (RDOs) and Focus clubs were discussed as possible uses of the surplus i.e. working closely with individual or small groups of clubs. The SOA development fund is always open to discussions as noted by RAS.

Discussions also explored the potential to target the RDO activity in the immediate aftermath or lead in to 6 day events.

RAS to forward job descriptions to the 6 day company with a view to integrate RDO work with 6 Day cycle

RS was looking for touch free kit to enhance future event offerings.

· Formal agreement for loan of club equipment (RS) still ongoing Action RS

7. Royal Deeside 2017

CM circulated a report on progress. JM had also sent a report by email on progress.

Highlights from Report and email

· CM noted that EventScotland need to see finalised expenses from Highland 2015 to confirm how their money is being used – required for future funding requests.

· There was extensive discussion on the merits and ways of using TV and a big screen, coupled with commentary.

· RO raised issues dealing waste, promotion of recycling etc. in future 6 day events

· There was a discussion on the remaining key posts to be filled.

8. 6 Days 2019

Terry O’Brien (TOB) has offered to be central coordination lead. Potential Event Centre based on Crieff was suggested.

2021 6 day potential to be discussed at future meeting.

9. 6 Day Business Plan

CM had circulated a version of the latest draft of the Business Plan. This Plan was discussed amongst those present.

There was discussion on using statistics from previous surveys etc. to feed into the plan.

It was agreed that this was a good first draft and further comments were to be issued to CM.

Further statistical analysis to be added as an Appendix B.

Action RS: to supply this.

10. 6 Day Risk Register

DK has forwarded comments to (RW) to update from last meeting.

11. SOA Professional Officer

CM noted that his job title is due to be rebranded as Events Manager

No further comments not otherwise raised or covered in previous items.

12. SOA business relevant to 6-Day Company

Key points of note were:

SOA Professional Officer to be rebranded as Events Manager.

Club plus SOA membership was still being discussed.

The impact of BOC2018 was discussed

There is the potential to apply to FISU for WUOC 2020

13. AOB

RL raised his previous action on a community action leaflet

Action RL

14. Future meeting dates

21 September 2016 (NB Need to approve 6 day entry fees at this meeting)

7 December 2016

Meeting closed at 8.30pm