1. Welcome and Apologies for absence

Apologies received from Richard Oxlade (RO)

2. Register of interests

Checked & updated.

3. Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting of Directors on 28 November 2012


4. Matters arising from previous meeting

AP1: CE completed the necessary forms for appointment as a Director at the meeting

AP3: RS is running a two-day SI training course on April 13/14

5. Finance report

KM presented his report prior to the meeting and answered questions and clarified issues.

KM reported the share certificate has been amended to list SOA postholders rather than named individuals as the shareholders.

Discussions with BOF over the WOC/Highland 2015 financial model are still ongoing.

Insurances for volunteers and public liabilities were discussed at length including requirements from some landowners for possible re-seeding of parking fields following the event.

KM asked the Board to consider the following resolution with regard to the Company’s new banking mandate:

The company resolves that

1) the confirmations on behalf of the business in Section 1 of the Bank of Scotland’s Banking mandate (”The Mandate”)

2) the powers of the signatories be set out in Section 3 of the Mandate ( Full Powers (as per signatures noted below) and Section 4 of The Mandate (Limited Powers) – (none given)

3) The authority will not be affected by any change in the name of the company

4) The terms of the authority in section 6 of The Mandate and the applicable terms and conditions in relation to the accounts are approved

(i.e. we accept the Banks terms and conditions)

5) The authority shall remain in force until changes are notified to the bank in accordance with the provision of the Authority

In addition, the Board agrees that the following persons shall have full powers to operate the bank account with any one person’s signature required to authorise payment transactions:

Kenneth A Milton – Finance Director

Anne E Hickling – Chair Person

Lindsey Knox – Director

Ross K Lilley – Director

The Board approved the resolution unanimously.

6. 6 Day Event 2013 (Moray)

GE presented his report from the Moray 2013 event committee.

Entries were discussed with comparisons with other European events and previous 6 Days.

Mapping was progressing with no concerns to report.

A social programme was coming together for the week.

Prizes and mementoes have been ordered.

Future marketing of Moray 2013 will include an advert in FOCUS magazine. Social media utilisation is being developed to improve awareness of the event.

CM also had presented a report, summarised below:

a) CM has now relocated to Nairn which will greatly assist with meetings and site visits for both Moray 2013 and Highland 2015.

b) The main concern expressed was in the increase in access costs, a table of known fees to date was presented, along with current status of negotiations. The Defence Infrastructure Organisation was particularly difficult to negotiate with.

c) The first funding submission to Event Scotland has been completed, whilst Moray LEADER has confirmed a grant of £15,000.

d) The event centre will be at Applegrove Primary School, Forres. Negotiations are progressing with The National Trust for Scotland for use of Brodie for the campsite and some contracts for facilities have been let, and approaches are out for many others. The stable block has been secured for use of the Central Organisation Team, for equipment storage, computing and the like.

e) Plans for traffic and transportation are progressing. A traffic management plan is to be submitted to The Highland Council.

f) Infrastructure requirements have been sought from Day teams, no contractor has yet been appointed. Details of a potential footbridge for a road crossing for use at Day 6 were presented.

g) Adverts for Event Services have been posted, the PA system has been identified as Amplified Sound. Additional equipment such as marquees will be purchased (part funding through LEADER).

h) Event enhancements, Per Forsberg for commentary and Czech TV film crew are booked and will be using the event to do preparations for WOC2015.

i) Event Safety costs have risen significantly, with Red Cross Inverness providing a quotation, St Andrew’s First Aid cannot cover the event.

j) Event sustainability is an increasing requirement and CM is currently attending an Event Scotland Course to improve understanding of possibilities.

k) Local initiatives for publicity are well in hand through the efforts of Mike Rodgers.

l) Volunteers for additional assistance being sought with UHI. Linda Cairns (WOC Volunteer Manager) is sourcing a small number of volunteers to work at Moray. This will assist the event as well at training some potential helpers for 2015.

m) Euromeeting first bulletin has been issued, Graham McIntyre is coordinating.

KM will investigate whether social events / campsite activities will be covered by BOF public liability insurance. AP1 – KM

CE mentioned that SEDS were interested in repeating their successful jigsaw from the JK in Scotland with a 6 Day jigsaw. (Greater details of finances of the JK 2012 jigsaw and proposals are circulated with these minutes.)

7. Highland 2015

RO had previously circulated a report, questions at the meeting were handled by Dave Kershaw (DK), and Colin Matheson (CM).

a) The programme may require a small compromise in the standard Six Day programme to form the best combined programme with the WOC. This was considered acceptable. Other Decisions on areas for the whole week’s programme will be required before the summer to best allow mapping to be progressed.

b) The detail of the proposed joint venture model for WOC/Highland is still to be agreed with BOF. A decision was needed now on payment of LiDAR fees and the Board agreed to pay these once the JV model gets agreement. KM raised some issues surrounding this relating to cash flow and VAT registration.

c) Concerns were raised about the strain on clubs to resource the six days and it was proposed that the main day officials particularly planners and assistant controllers could be deployed on days other than their own to get the best resource pool. Highland 2015 to discuss this directly with club representatives. AP2 – RO

d) Highland 2015 proposed a launch on last day of Moray 2013, but after discussion it was agreed that Day 4 would be better. This would also be the Moray VIP day. Discussions are needed with the WOC team about how much information about areas can be released at this stage. AP3 – RO

e) Clive Masson to work on mapping for both WOC and Highland perspectives. Kirsteen Kershaw has taken the role of marketing and publicity. There will probably an amount of shadowing of Moray 2013 officials by their Highland 2015 counterparts. It was suggested that a combined WOC/Highland 2015 social be held at Moray 2013.

f) It is anticipated that SI will continue to be used, but confirmation of this was being sought.

UHI campus to be used as combined event centre for WOC and Highland; this has backing from the principal but full agreement still needs to be reached.

g) Accommodation and campsite was discussed. There will be room for a campsite in adjacent fields to UHI but no spare accommodation after WOC requirements. Plans currently do not include any accommodation finding services however links to useful websites could be arranged on the website.

h) Options are currently under consideration for rest day activities.

8. A Few Surplus Maps

John Colls’ is progressing the production of the supplement to AFSM. The book and supplement will be included in the merchandise order form (to be launched in April).

9. 6 Days 2017

Maroc have been approached for Deeside in 2017 and have agreed in principle. After discussion about a partner central coordinating club it was agreed to approach Interlopers.

AP4 – AH

10. Professional Officer:

Most of the professional officers activities are cover in the reports on forthcoming 6 day events and WOC above.

11. SOA Business relevant to 6-Day Company

RAS had previously circulated a report:

a) SOA still awaiting response from BOF/WOC2015 on resolution of funding agreement for WOC2015.

b) SOA has just completed their four yearly governance audit, the relationship between SOA and 6 Day company was consideredacceptable, from the governance point of view.

c) BOF is populating various groups to replace much of its previous Committee Structure.

d) SOA is introducing routine business procedures such as Risk Register and Performance Measures as these have not had a formal basis up to now.

e) SOA membership is likely to drop markedly as a result of redefinition of membership structure which will cause difficult discussions as a drop in recorded membership is inevitable. The most significant part of this perceived drop is the removal of the free first year of membership which will likely dissuade membership.

12. Any Other Business

A risk register for the 6 Day Company was discussed. AH to take this forward with KM.

AP5 – AH

13. Future Meetings

15th May 2013

18th September 2013

RS volunteered to take the next Minutes. Meeting closed 9:15pm.